A few weeks back Merrick Garland reported he would be indicting Trump in 60-90 Days. That time frame would be Jan 5 through Fed 5 in 2023. However, the new 118th Congress is sworn-in, on Jan 3rd, 2023. With the Republican House majority, how will that work out for Garland's indictment agenda timeline? NOT TOO GOOD! https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3710063-gop-bracing-for-trump-indictment-soon-after-election-day/
Their 'indict Trump' agenda seems to be falling apart and so they switch-up the narrative to; 'Dump Trump' narrative with the Republican RINOs.
This new RINO-Republicans vs. Trump America First-MAGA party split will fail as well. Trump supporters are in the mega-millions and gaining every day!
Trump posted on Truth about 'looking to the future.'
America First agenda is moving forward and the recent Q posts strongly suggest the Central Banking debt/slave system will be his focus. That and the still present election fraud Mafia-like cheating system. When Trump begins his rallies for 2024 presidential run, let's listen to his speeches carefully to extract the messaging of election fraud and busting up this debt/slave system. He's got the people behind him!
A few weeks back Merrick Garland reported he would be indicting Trump in 60-90 Days. That time frame would be Jan 5 through Fed 5 in 2023. However, the new 118th Congress is sworn-in, on Jan 3rd, 2023. With the Republican House majority, how will that work out for Garland's indictment agenda timeline? NOT TOO GOOD! https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3710063-gop-bracing-for-trump-indictment-soon-after-election-day/
Jim Jordan is the ranking member of the Judiciary committee and he's already at work... https://republicans-judiciary.house.gov/
Their 'indict Trump' agenda seems to be falling apart and so they switch-up the narrative to; 'Dump Trump' narrative with the Republican RINOs.
This new RINO-Republicans vs. Trump America First-MAGA party split will fail as well. Trump supporters are in the mega-millions and gaining every day!
Trump posted on Truth about 'looking to the future.'
America First agenda is moving forward and the recent Q posts strongly suggest the Central Banking debt/slave system will be his focus. That and the still present election fraud Mafia-like cheating system. When Trump begins his rallies for 2024 presidential run, let's listen to his speeches carefully to extract the messaging of election fraud and busting up this debt/slave system. He's got the people behind him!
Let's see how this plays out.
Let's listen carefully to his speech on Nov 15th too!