POWER OF THE PURSE! No Federal funds should be appropriated to states that do not comply with election integrity measures and that includes speedy audits if necessary! IT STARTS NOW! Who's with me here?
Folks, we pay taxes to the Fed and the states we live in. If a state is found to have dirty voter rolls or faulty machines that skew candidate votes, or any other form of election/voter anomalies, they should be held accountable for not complying with election integrity laws.
Federal funding should be held back from those states unless they do mandatory audits and most likely in all states for any election term cycle.
As with anything in congress and bills being passed, We, the People have Power of the Purse through our elected officials.
This is a matter of National Security! By allowing these corrupt states to go on year-after-year in their Mafia-like election stealing for power, control and money in Wash DC. If congress were to hold back and cut-off their money until audits are performed, this gives immense leverage to regain free and fair elections.
It's holding these states accountable for their own sloppy and nefarious election agendas.
It's child psychology 101; 'you get no cookies until you eat your vegetables!'
Remember Q post that all Congress members, both House and Senate should be audited every two years? Same thing here. Audit all states for voting integrity.
See Ukraine