You’ve Been Gaslighted – Democrats Just Stole Another Election
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Righteous means to be in right standing with The Most High. I would argue that we collectively are not righteous from God's perspective.
I've been saying for quite some time that this is judgement for a wicked nation.
Case in point, 75% of the country believes we're headed in the wrong direction. Yet many of those that feel that way, towed the party line. Why? because of their demented belief in being able to murder unborn children.
Just one example. I won't even get into people's idolatry of their leaders.
Frankly speaking people in this country are more concerned with their money and politics than the genocide that is unfolding right before our eyes.
America has fallen from God's grace. Destruction is on the menu for this modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Where is the call to repentance?
People need to wake up to the true light. Stop putting any trust in any of these men or systems. God is calling His elect to come out of this world.
Most won't heed the warning because history repeats itself. Many are called yet few are chosen. In the near future the Babylonian nation will fall and it will come swiftly on us all.
I pray people stop believing these lies and seek our Father with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling friends. The time is drawing near. Who will be able to stand on that great and terrible day?
Thank you for such a well written, thoughtful post. I am with you 100%...your name says it all. You have stated exactly where I stand. I used righteous more in the context of people who desire freedom and follow the law of the land (which does not always reflect God's law) rather than people who desire to destroy law and order. Let's face it...the Jesuits and Masons were already at work even at the founding of our country.
In Sodom/Gomorrah, God would spare them for so few righteous people and surely we have at least a small percent of righteous people, but our nation would be very foolish to think there is not a price to pay for what we have allowed/accepted in our country. I believe we have been under judgement for a very long time...probably since before Roe vs.Wade but you are right...there is a fine balance between God's mercy, love and grace and his wrath, vengeance and judgement and that is probably the only reason we are still standing at all.
I have often stated that I believe in God 100%, others not so much and some not at all. There are many faithful Christians on here that truly love the Lord and desire that people come to repentance and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. I believe we/they are doing the best we/they can to work within a broken system. Are we in the great deception of Revelation...very possibly. If we repented as a nation it would be a wonderful thing to see but exactly where are we in the stream of time...well I guess time will tell.
Daniel, Moses and Joseph were put in positions of power in hostile nations as part of God's plan to sustain the nation He had chosen to usher in the greatest gift of all...Christ Jesus. He used the prophets to preach the same message over and over...repent. History does repeat itself and God's desire for the lost has never changed. So how do we exist in this environment as Christians? Do we vote or run for office? Who do we support? We are to be in the world but not of the does that work practically? I would love to hear your thoughts. God bless you and yours.
Thank you for your response. I kind of do this from time to time as the Spirit directs me. To try to reach those who are in some regards blinded by their flesh.
I say that because of what has been revealed to me in many different ways and settings.
I've thought about the questions you asked many times. I don't believe any of us have the complete picture yet.
But I can say this. From my studies and the revelation Father has given me, is that we are closer than most believe. To Christ's return that is.
God has shown me that us believers are the target of this war. How do I know this? Well He has shown that the 3rd temple is a temple not made with hands. That the enemy's goal is to defile God's sanctuary. Daniel 8 shows that the destruction of the sanctuary is not a building. When Gabriel interprets Daniels vision he makes no mention of a building, but rather the mighty and holy people (the saints).
So when we look at clues like Daniel saying the truth will be cast down in the last days. And Jesus' first words as it relates to the end by saying let no man deceive you. Then in revelation the word deceived is mention 5 times. 4 of those times is mention all nations. The other one is talking about everyone that took the mark and those who worship the image. There's one outlier in all 5, which is how they were deceived. It says by sorceries, which is pharmakeia.
A worldwide medicine is how the whole world is deceived. God's sanctuary is in the Holy Spirit filled believers. It's all tied together as in the days of Noah. This is about altering God's creation, defiling the temple, altering the DNA.
I could go on and on with more scripture and supernatural experiences to back all of this up. But I'll just leave you with this.
If what I've learned and come to believe 100%. Well what is the point in worrying about elections, or this country for that matter? I mean as this deception continues more and more are gonna be apart of the falling away. I believe we're too caught up in this deception and can't see how truly dire of a situation we are in. Meaning all of these foolish people including Christians have believed the lie. They need to come to the Truth and be healed/ saved. Their eternal soul is at stake. I don't know if they can be forgiven for defiling or destroying God's temple. But it's wise to call them all to repentance. As His word says He will have mercy on whom He chooses.
So I'm completely checked out of Trump and Q and left right issues. Of course I'm all about our country and our beliefs. But when I'm witnessing all of this, what is truly important in God's eyes? It has to be His people. Not our borders, money, politics, food etc. These are all just results of His judgement. This is our trial by fire. He's refining and purifying us. We either burn with the rest of the world or we be refined by it.
Satan knows we hold these worldly things near to our hearts. He is using that against us. For me, I know this is coming to an end. What does one do when he comes to that conclusion? Fear His maker, do His will as best he can, be obedient to His word and walk in repentance unto Him.
The rest really is meaningless in that context.
So if I'm wrong the worse that can happen is that I draw as close as I can to my Father and His Son and grow in them.
If I'm right, which seems undeniable for me. Then destruction and the worse we've ever seen or heard of is about to unfold. I pray we all take this as serious as possible. The strong delusion is here and He says that they will be destroyed as a result.
Sorry for the long winded response. I tend to get like this when I'm sharing the pressing sense on my spirit. Anyways I hope something in here helps you on your walk. God bless.
Thank you...yes I have been encouraged by your response. I listen to Walter Vieth and although I am not a Seventh Adventist, I absolutely appreciate his intelligent, Spirit-filled teachings on the Bible. I have watched all his series and learned SO much. One of the best was when he taught about the Tabernacle and it made a somewhat dry, hard to understand part of the the Bible just come alive. The Bible is so absolutely fantastic, and I can only grasp a small portion of the brilliance, truth, and completeness of all that is written and with such absolute synchronicity. I pray for God's richest blessing on you and your family as we look forward to seeing Jesus face to face.
Amen, blessed are we that may actually get to see that blessed day come to pass. Stay close to Him and be blessed. Hallelujah!!! Praise be His name!!!