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Which is why I went Linux. Linux mint plus the libre suite has everything that a windows pc does. Minus all the junk and tracking clutter. 100% control over your data and desktop. impervious to viruses. Incompatible software can be ran in a windows shell called WinE. Best tech move I ever made.
Does Linux Mint run inside of windows or replace windows?
Also, got a write up on installation you can share?
Also also, will switching to Linux fuck up and off my external hard drives (will Linux read the formatting correctly?)
Linux can be installed as a standalone operating system or it can be installed along side windows. In dual mode you will be given the option to choose which at a boot up screen. As for an install process, or can find it on the Linux mint site. I will try to dig up the specific walkthrough I used. As for external hard disks, I would imagine there are no issues with them given that all the existing 4 internal drives I have in the tower needed no changes to run seamlessly in Linux. But, I can’t speak with certainty because I have t used any external drives in my two Linux machines.
Awesome thanks so much.
Do you know if you sacrafice any security/ privacy within Linux if you run it in dual mode?