‘"Justice delayed is justice denied" is a legal maxim. It means that if legal redress or equitable relief to an injured party is available, but is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no remedy at all.’
A maxim is:
“late Middle English (denoting an axiom): from French maxime, from medieval Latin (propositio) maxima ‘largest or most important (proposition)’.”
Don’t talk to me about being a “doomer”. Y’all’s willingness to allow Justice to continue to be denied while waiting for a white knight (Trump, the military) is a big part of the problem.
In this country, the seat of power lies in the individual. But y’all love the roof over your head and the food in your belly more than your liberty and freedom. Slaves to fear and comfort. Servants of a system that despises you.
“We have it all”? Fine. Administer justice.
“We caught them all”? Fine. Administer justice.
No justice? Fine. No support from me. You don’t represent me, and I revoke my consent to allow you to pretend you do.
Yeah, I'm sure you have suffered more than the guys in the field.
The rear echelon mother fuckers always whining while rhe dudes at the front suck it up for them.
Can't imagine what youve been through but I know what theyve been through and you haven't come close.