Wait until it goes public that FTX **wasn’t the only company being utilized** to launder massive amounts of US taxpayer’s money that were sent to Ukraine back to the political elitists in DC.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
Funny you brought that up. I tried to convert people, did digging, show proof, have conversations, etc. but then it got to a point where you could tell it was an exercise in futility. Now, although I do not advocate violence against people, I say fuck them. If they're not awake by now they're never going to be. My wife and I woke the hell up 20 years ago and we're better for it.
This. I am done, at this point the sheep perhaps do deserve what they get.
Teaching is an art. Most people are terrible at it, including most professional teachers. If you want to convince them, you have to assess their knowledge base, assess how they learn, and then give them information in a way that they can understand. You don't, for example, teach a 5-year-old the same way you'd teach a 75-year-old. My problem is that I'm very data driven, but many people aren't. I lay out data and their eyes glaze over. They can't see what I'm showing them, so I have to modify the approach.
You have to be patient and persistent. If you have one chance encounter with a stranger, all you can really do is drop a red pill and see if you can spark curiosity.
The other thing you learn spending any time teaching is that often, you don't understand nearly as much or nearly as completely as you think you do. Explaining over and over and being subject to question and challenge hones that knowledge. The teacher often has to take his own ego out of the equation which is difficult because good teachers know they're good, know they have tons of information, and may think they are very wise. It builds the ego up, and can be a barrier rather than an asset.