Wait until it goes public that FTX **wasn’t the only company being utilized** to launder massive amounts of US taxpayer’s money that were sent to Ukraine back to the political elitists in DC.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸

This is the kind of bullshit that drives me bonkers about some people in this movement. This guy does this crap all the time. They assert that they have some sort of insider access, some insider information that no one else has and it's going to lead to some big reveal. Of course, they never actually reveal any of it. They promise it'll come out later. And it'll be big. YUGE. Game changing! And they provide absolutely no evidence whatsoever to back this claim.
Then, instead of actually revealing any actual evidence of anything, they tell the audience to dig.... on what exactly? Never specified. Just waste time researching God only knows what looking for no one knows what.
Put up or shut up, Cates. Stop stringing people along. I'm tired of being psy-op'ed by people who claim to be on my side. If they're psy-op'ing me, I'm their target, not their ally. If you've got something, show it.
Yes. It's far past time to put up or shut up!