Hear me our here, this is a theory that came to me this morning after I woke up and checked out the night shift news. The midterms are being used as a distraction. Everyone is obsessing about it, even on here (and for good reason, but that's besides the point). So pretty much everyone is just glancing at the FTX situation. Heck, only recently did we get a bunch of big stickies on it on here.
And like people have been saying, we know FTX isn't the only company being used to do this. It's just the one that got caught. So where am I going with this? Simply really.
This is what causes the military to finally step in.
Hear me out and don't get emotional here. As much as we don't like admitting it, Americans are VERY materialistic people. The one way to get us riled up is to mess with our money. Remember all the riots and protests on wall street back in the early 2000's? Imagine that but on a national scale.
When it becomes mainstream that they've stolen (probably) hundreds of billions of tax dollars from us over the past several decades, what do you think Americans will do? They'll start rioting Brazil style (remember, several people have said to watch Brazil as the US is going to parallel Brazil in the coming weeks and months), which will cause the military to finally step in and take control by admitting there was mass election fraud in the last several elections and dissolve our government thus leading to tribunals and "military is the only way".
This is the period when all the pedo crap will finally come out, thus uniting everyone behind justice for the children during the weird in-between period where we don't have a government.
To me, this lines up way too well. You have us all reaching the precipice (people on here are even dooming over the midterms), you have the military being the only way, you have children uniting us, you have the national guard being activated, and it all lines up with the cabals extra desperate attempts to maintain power and split our faction as of late.
On top of all that, what are the freaking odds of FTX collapsing RIGHT AFTER THE MIDTERMS and all of this (including the pedo ring stuff) coming out immediately after? Why would the cabal burn one of their biggest money laundering schemes on their own?
To me, this REEKS of white hat activity. Especially when you consider all of the weird military plane activity the past week or so that we've had several people post about. The most important of which is that "secret space force mission" plane coming back from whatever it has been doing. Since we all know space force is central to most of this.
Well there's the theory. Time will tell if I'm wrong or not, but I figured I'd throw it out there so people could discuss. Some will probably get angry over it, others may find it to be a bit of hopium, but I just figured I'd throw it out there since it's a legitimate theory I had that has some merit to it.
I think the laundering news is a counter attack on their cheating move. It's saying "You want to play? Now, we have a massive problem, bigger than cheating, that will require military to step in." Not gonna dare say checkmate yet.. but this is close, considering the massive amount of tax payers money involved. I dare say it's the crime of the century.