The Greatest Timeline: Elon retweets 4chan post explaining Biden's multi-billion dollar FTX money-laundering operation to his 115 million followers
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It disturbs me deeply when I realize Elon Musk has done more for America in the last two weeks than everyone else combined.
I simply do not trust him.
1st of all: He's not doing it alone. On Tucker, Kanye said of Musk: "He's a good team player" Who in the f-ing world is a team player with the richest man in the world??? Sounds like they are both part of a bigger thing we call the: "White hats"
2ndly, I understand your concerns but maybe the WH made a deal with him. He's certainly not a very heart centered man & had no problems doing unethical things in the past. He is, however, a very logical man & understands the benefits of working with the white hats. Yes. I think he's on our side for now