Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
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Nice! It's all BS, leading you in a way that is not logical. I can give you some study aids but I'm not sure you want them. You seem to have proven hell lasting for all eternity to yourself. It's not real, hell is a theological construction to push you to a emotional conclusion. That alone makes it questionable.
Serious question: this some Mormon shit?
No brother, it is a theological question that has been in the Christian church since the resurrection. like I said, I can give you some study aids, but I'm not sure you want it. Judging from the like, most Christians are very feared of hell into salvation. "perfect love casts out fear".
God is love, there is no way that God will torment anyone for all eternity. Yes there is judgement, but it is corrective, as a father with his child. Peace my brother :)
Serious question: is this some Mormon shit?
I've been following Jesus Christ for 40+ years, I'm not sectarian, I don't follow any brand name above Jesus Christ.
But you don’t believe the Bible is God’s inerrant word?
The Bible teaches Jesus Christ, the logos, the Word of God. Watch those doctrines and where they come from brother. The devil is a theologian.