Good message. Either shadow your text, or outline in a dark color to help it stand out against the background. Red is hard to see in many memes if not used correctly.
You are 100% right, and I knew this at the time, but I rashly chose to make it on my phone rather than on my computer, and the results were obviously sub-par.
Good message. Either shadow your text, or outline in a dark color to help it stand out against the background. Red is hard to see in many memes if not used correctly.
Great job fren.
You are 100% right, and I knew this at the time, but I rashly chose to make it on my phone rather than on my computer, and the results were obviously sub-par.
I've revised it here. Thanks for the feedback.👍
You are welcome. Always glad to help fellow meme farmers.
My shoddy first draft has now been revised, here: