On today’s X22Report Dave goes 100% passionate on People, Anons, and Patriots needing to understand War, our war! Dave provides info on how long the White Hats have been planning to wage war and going to war Since 1913! Oh, that’s in Q-Drop 4962. Why? Link below the X22 link. Dave says we need to ignore Florida and DeSantis! Why? Florida had a real election due to DeSantis! And Trump vs. DeSantis is a ruse for the DemoLibs! Look here but not over there. And the media sucked it in hook, line, and sinker! Take a listen please.
And this is truly odd! I wonder if Dave read my War post on Truth or this forum? Or maybe “great minds think alike”.
Rally the troops Anons! It’s War! We are all in it to Win It All. We must for us, for America, for the world, because Where We Go One We Go All!
The only way for this plan to actually work is for it to be already over. There is no samson option. It is why Q has made it clear we are watching a show.
Every outcome has already been calculated and we have been at checkmate the whole time. As soon as you saw Trump raise his right hand, picture Jigsaw slamming the metal door shut. "Game Over."