Segment lasted about 45 seconds:
No mention of Ukraine, WEF, money-laundering, or donations to democrats...
Just some dopey guest claiming the collapse is proof cryptos need to be regulated.
Expect the story to completely disappear from the msm since it points to Democrat/election corruption.
Most people don't understand crypto so it may be a slow roll. I have a network with a lot of different types of financial advisors - people that are very bright, and I have sat in the same presentations by a couple of our peers trying to do a Crypto 101 for the group. My expertise is insurance so a lot of it is over my head, but I see from the looks on the others faces who are more into financial planning and advising that they are confused as well.
I can see where this will not have a lot of traction initially - the average person sees it as a Ponzi scheme that they were never involved with in the first place. So who cares if a bunch of rich guys are less rich? But if it is a domino that starts touching everything else, then that will get people's attention. A company formed in 2019 with basically a man child at the helm just ruined me even more? Wait, what was this company doing again? This was to win elections? WTH? And so on...
Then again, people might roll over and go back to sleep. But every major event wakes some people up and gets them out of bed.