I’m pretty sure I got a bad case of stones. I became so nauseous that I’ve had cold chills, headache, trouble breathing. I feel it in my side when I stretch or take deep breaths. I’m still urinating it’s a bit dark but not bloody. I hate feeling like this. It’s so miserable.
If you know any home remedies please share. I don’t have health insurance so the ER or home care are my only options. Walmart across the street.
I disagree.
This argument is based on a half-truth, that in reality is not true.
What people don't understand is that there are two types of minerals: organic and inorganic.
The type of minerals in mineral water and similar is inorganic.
The human body cannot utilize inorganic minerals. In effect, it is a toxin within our bodies.
We get organic minerals, which our bodies can utilize, from animal foods we eat (and drink, if raw/natural, and not boiled/pasteurized).
Distilled water is pure H2O. It is produced by:
Eat plenty of animal foods and you will get plenty of organic minerals. While fasting, your body has stored sufficient amounts that taking substitues in water is unnecessary, and I would say is not helpful.
You don't even need to drink water for most of the fast. Dry fasting (no food, no drink, no water at all) causes the body's fat cells to break down so the body can get at the stored water inside those cells.
That water is the healthiest we can have, since the body created it during fat storage. It is deuterium-depleated water which, again, is pure H2O. The stuff coming from the tap, and most bottled water, has deuterium in it, which means it is not pure H2O. It is better understood to be D2O, which is one of the reasons tap water is not healthy.
Anyway, plants function on inorganic minerals that they get from dissolving rock (microorganisms dissolve the rock in the soil and bring it to the roots of the plant, and the plant, in turn, feeds the microoranisms). The minerals we get from plants and mineral water are not the minerals that our body needs.
I only drink distilled water -- and not much, at that -- and I eat lots of animals foods. No problems with "lack of electrolytes" when I am fasting.
So, everyone do their own research on these matters and arrive at your own conclusion.
Just be careful, and keep everything in context. There are articles out there on the interwebs that claim that drinking distilled water will "flush out minerals from your body."
Yes -- INORGANIC minerals that your body is TRYING TO GET RID OF because they are a toxin in the body.
But it does not flush out organic minerals, which your body uses for various bodily functions.