Bioclandestine with a great take.. If we allow 2022 to end the way 2020 did, Trump will lose most of his supporters.
“We are in perfect position. The normies have been witnessing this madness on the world stage. Anyone who is slightly objective can see what is happening. The public are primed for red pills.
However, being in position only matters if we actually see the corrective action to accompany the blatant election fraud.
If 2022 is allowed to carry on like this, the Trump base are going to jump ship, and how could we blame them?
It’s put-up or shut-up time for White Hats. Show us the goods. It’s time.”
"I'm endeavoring to explain how a lot of people will feel,...."
"Feeling" is emotion that is a fleeting experience. It's there one moment and gone the next. Emotion is never cognitive. Albeit, our cognition is there to control it. It knows no morals and if left unchecked can lead to very bad things.
One does not explain emotion. It is temporary in passing. It is the cognitive thinking and the non sequitur of irrational thinking that causes people to scratch their heads for understanding. When emotion leads cognitive thought, especially when it is irrational, then some very bad things can occur.
Did Trump make a "promise" of an emotion (ergo, happy)? And precisely what was he referring to? On another thought, terror is also an emotion of fear. Is it possible to have a war on "fear' (ergo, 'war on terrorism)? Do you see how the words are played? I don't think Trump promised anything except we would become aware of the widespread corruption.
"I don't know what will happen between now and 2024 to make a difference,..."
And like the rest of us, you also didn't know what would happen prior to 2016 and any other time. None of us will know what will happen tomorrow, next week, or in the following years. It's better that you are happy to have made it through the day and that you have a clean bed for the 'promise' and expectation of a new day. Be thankful when you wake up in the morning to fight another day.
Boom. Fantastic post. I am just focusing on my marriage and family and am feeling happy and grateful for how blessed my life actually is. If things in the world continue going south, I’m gonna continue counting my blessings. What else can I do?
Exactly right. Our ancestors survived it, so can we. Focus on your life in each day. Our time will come. We'll know what to do and when to act.