Bioclandestine with a great take.. If we allow 2022 to end the way 2020 did, Trump will lose most of his supporters.
“We are in perfect position. The normies have been witnessing this madness on the world stage. Anyone who is slightly objective can see what is happening. The public are primed for red pills.
However, being in position only matters if we actually see the corrective action to accompany the blatant election fraud.
If 2022 is allowed to carry on like this, the Trump base are going to jump ship, and how could we blame them?
It’s put-up or shut-up time for White Hats. Show us the goods. It’s time.”
IMHO, I completely disagree with this statement.: "If 2022 is allowed to carry on like this, the Trump base are going to jump ship...." statement.
Who is Bioclandestine to speak for the many people like me? What exactly is Bioclandestine referring to when he says "If 2022 is allowed to carry on like this,..."? What are we suppose to do? And what is Trump suppose to do if 2022 is stolen?
I'm not losing my support for Trump because 2022 was stolen. I also don't believe Trump would lose his base because of it. I mean what did he have to do with the stealing of an election in the first place? He exposed it. IMHO, it's absurd to make a statement like Bioclandestine did.
In addition, who else is going to change things? I believe it is Mike Lindell and True the Vote, other organizations, and the grass roots that need to stop the election fraud. Look at the grassroots in Brazil for the example. We must end electronic voting, period.