We have been patient and held the line. My patience is GONE after seeing what happened in this election. To date there has been no Declassifications and no Arrests….who has been held accountable? Where’s Durham? What happened to the KRAKKEN, Sydney Powell? Michael Flynn? Lynn Wood? Rudy Giuliani? CRICKETS!
Tomorrow is the day “Hopefully, tomorrow will be one of the most important days in the history of our country”. The proverbial carrot has been dangled in front of us for far too long. “We the people” have the right to know what is going on. This is OUR country. Put up or shut up!
Yes, I think so.
I hope you don't think I have swallowed too much "Q" narrative, but I think that the populus needed to have the worst of the corruption shown to them because otherwise, such is the depth of brainwashing and denial, they would never have accepted the truth about the cabal's plans to enslave and depopulate everyone.
You just have to go through the process because of the normies and the entrenched position of the cabal in government, judiciary, media and industry.
The concern is that the “waiting” allows us to continue falling deeper in the hole. At some point, you’re too deep to get out. I have some hope left; however, it’s dwindling by the day. The question is, has this all been a psyop to keep us under control until we are completely surrounded and have no hope of victory? What we’re being asked to do is “trust them” when we have no idea who “them” is…meanwhile, all the leverage we may have had is dwindling away to nothing.
This…. https://www.auricmedia.net/svali-illuminati-defector-disappeared-6-months-after-this-interview/ will scare they shit out of you when you realize how large and strong “they” are. Be sure to read the transcript if you watch the video…some parts were cut out of video.
I don't blame you for seeing it this way, but uncoordinated action against the cabal will always work to their advantage, an uprising would be split and punished. What is needed is an awakening because the cabal are few in number and can only achieve their aims with the effort of ordinary people. When ordinary people recognise the cabal as the evil criminals they are, then the people stop enabling the cabal and then they have no more power and they cannot walk the streets.
We are not "under control of a psyop" we are all learning and convincing others and more and more people know what's going on and will resist mandates, disbelieve msm news etc.
You can see how successful this is because we would all be locked away or vaxxed had a sizeable proportion of us not refused to take the vax under any circumstances. We refused because we knew what it was. That is our power now, that is how we beat them.
I really like your way of thinking and hope you are correct. Please listen to the video above and don’t forget to read along with the transcript. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
It's got to be tomorrow fren, it's nearly midnight for me and I'm flagging.
Here is a link to the video that has been cut….read along with the transcript above https://www.brighteon.com/02aed239-37d4-4400-aea9-eaff5416e763