I’m still trying to figure out how Lombardo beats sisolack here handily in NV and and basically every other race ended the same, R takes big lead…mail in votes…d ends up winning…I’ll bet dollars to donuts Lombardo ends up being a RINO POS and the uniparty is alive and well…one bright spot is we do have a MAGA assemblyman here in district 39. Joey Gilbert was our Lake and would have made a great govener but lost the primary…mail in votes…
I’m still trying to figure out how Lombardo beats sisolack here handily in NV and and basically every other race ended the same, R takes big lead…mail in votes…d ends up winning…I’ll bet dollars to donuts Lombardo ends up being a RINO POS and the uniparty is alive and well…one bright spot is we do have a MAGA assemblyman here in district 39. Joey Gilbert was our Lake and would have made a great govener but lost the primary…mail in votes…
Yeah, it was good to hear Nevada did a little better, but pissed Laxalt was cheated out of his seat too.