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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
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Serious question. Do most people announcing running for president also announce their running mate at the same event? Just wondering because that never came up.
Trump didn't mention DeSantis or Lake even once and FOX was extremely ambivalent, bordering on hostile after the speech. What a weird vibe
As soon as he started talking I told my husband he looked angry. It wasn’t his usual rally face. More serious look tonight. Lord only knows what he’s got on his mind and learns daily about the darkness in our world. I was watching the Rumble feed and it was slow, 15 minutes behind. I got on YouTube and found Fox News the first video. Fox cut him off. Fox probably showed it for the ratings. Finally got caught up another video link.
Fox is just as bad as the rest of the fake news. Took me a long time to figure that out. Sadly to many elderly Americans are glued to Fox.
We'll have to wait to see where Tucker Carlson lands on this. That will be the sign of any potential FOX support for a Trump run (or not)
Yes, I like listening to him but I’m cautious of him also. I used to watch him on YouTube and stopped after so many comments about him being a bad guy. It’s so hard to tell who’s legit.