For what it's worth, I interpret that as genuine irritation that Trump would make that joke (I thought it was funny). He's a very squared away, straight and narrow guy, and often shows contempt for what he perceives to be racism.
On the other hand, he has made negative comments about Trump in interviews that I am confident are entirely contrived to throw people off his role.
For what it's worth, I interpret that as genuine irritation that Trump would make that joke (I thought it was funny). He's a very squared away, straight and narrow guy, and often shows contempt for what he perceives to be racism.
On the other hand, he has made negative comments about Trump in interviews that I am confident are entirely contrived to throw people off his role.
Hmm. Andrew Jackson hated the idea of a national bank like the Federal Reserve. Just Saying.
Sharp Knife
This guy's account went wacky just after the mysterious 'Timber' video fiasco, and then he fell off the face for some time.
Did anyone ever give real bread on the situation?
Not sure what you're referring to, Timber video?
"JFK's Grand kids Sing Timber" - John F. Kennedy's Grandkids
It was said he was in the video as one of the grandkids
This was never confirmed. Then his account seemed to be captured ? In any case, he went dark for awhile and it all went away.
Timber was in reference to the 'fall' of The Timberwolf, George Bush Sr.
I follow his Twitter account very closely. He's a spy if there ever was one, constant misdirection and consciousness of appearances.