444 IT BEGINS: Patriots in Arizona Call for a New Legitimate Midterm Election on December 6 (www.thegatewaypundit.com) 🔍 Notable posted 2 years ago by ashlanddog 2 years ago by ashlanddog +444 / -0 IT BEGINS: Patriots in Arizona Call for a New Legitimate Midterm Election on December 6 The Arizona election is a total mess. It’s full of corruption in almost every area. It is uncertifiable as a result. A new free and fair election is demanded. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs should have recused herself due to her running for governor in... 46 comments share 46 comments share save hide report block hide replies
"Calling for" anything is the equivalent of sending a sternly worded letter. It means nothing.
The first question is: how are they going to force a new election?
Second question: assuming a new election happens, what changes are they going to make to prevent the corrupt counties from stealing it again?
edit: OK, I just saw the list of changes below, and they look good.