US Global Hawk RQ-4 drone off FL coast, all air traffic is avoiding the area it’s surveying. Brazil military flight looping as well.
✈️ Planefags ✈️
i mean we have seen so many of these posts and nothing happens
That we know of. It’s why we dig and observe. Also I’ve never seen the drones off F-L-A. Sure sure just a sonic boom two days ago secret space plane yada yada finding Challenger pieces at bottom of sea, drones, Brazil military. Nothing to see here!
I've always wondered why people really care about planes and where they are. I mean, if habbenings were habbenings... wouldn't they turn off the transponders to prevent folks from figuring out what those habbenings were? 🤷♂️
You're not wrong.
But sometimes the military likes to do fun little things like when I caught a C17 cargo plane squawking 7500 a month after the election steal in 2020
This was significant for many reasons, because 7500 is the universal transponder code for "THIS PLANE HAS BEEN HIJACKED". It only squawked it for a couple seconds then switched back to a standard transponder ident code. I had seen C17s doing this for several days prior, and this was the first time I was fast enough with my keyboard to actually grab a screenshot in time. Also, they did it at precisely 9:11 PM, which I thought was pretty cool. This was the military telling me and anyone else watching that they were fully aware that our nation was being hijacked. Also worth mentioning, the whole reason I was obsessing over watching the sky at that point in time was because a pathway I had found using the Q-Clock and Trump tweets had specifically told me to.
That night was the beginning of the most amazing month of my life...but that's a story for another time.
Now, what they're squeaking is pretty fun. So you do make a good point.