My fully vaxxed Sister in law who said “the unvaccinated are spreading covid” now has covid and is spreading it to her entire family. Meanwhile Im unvaccinated and never had it or the flu in the past 3 years LOL
🧠 These people are stupid!
These fucking people are hypocrites, I wonder if they realize it? Nope… too stupid and zero awareness.
Devil's advocate argument:
Couldn't there be toxins in the environment that our immune systems handle well unless immune systems are damaged?
You do have a point.
It would be interesting if people who are quad-vaxxed are having new food allergies or allergies to pets / cleaning products or household chemicals.
Oh certainly could. I am not saying Covid wasnt a hoax. They certainly over played it up. BUT I do believe it is something created by humans, for humans....And it failed. I believe they were trying to wipe us out, and fucked it up. In my opinion.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner. External and internal environments are the root from which health and/or disease sprout.