TL;DR You guys are all being overly pessimistic on the livechat of the stream. We are going to with this 5th generation war, and it will take time but we now have a timeline - 2024.
That was the best speech I have every heard President Trump give. I have been waiting for some of the things he just said and the ideas he hinted at to be mentioned. He told us all we are not at the precipice - we "don't quite feel it yet" and that's why the midterms were even remotely close (still he got 90+% or whatever of his endorsements to win). We have been in despair with no hope for so long, so it's easy to give up, but he just gave us a concrete timeline to all adhere to. He is running in 2024 and "elections will be very different then". He hinted at the promise of the future to come with Mars spaceflight and other vague references to what I believe to be the nuclear powered and quantum computing driven future that even Q hinted at from time to time.
2025 and forward will be the best years in history. We are engaged in 5th generation warfare against a global enemy, and our commander just announced that the tides have turned and this marks the beginning of the taking back of our country. He basically said we can withstand 4 years of Biden and his nonsense but we couldn't handle another term and so the action will take place before Biden can be president for another term.
Look at Q34. I think now that Trump has announced that it is time we take back our country, so we will start to see an insurmountable wave of actual evidence and information leading up to action and arrests that mark a massive change in the world order. I don't think Trump will be wrong when he says today will go down as a very important day in history. In fact, even in his speech he was very humble and selfless in saying this is OUR campaign and OUR movement that belongs to the people and not just to him. WE are going to take back our country, in the voting booth, in 2024, under very different circumstances.
I know this wasn't the "declaration of the Storm" many of you were hoping for, but this marks a turning point in a 5th generation war that will go on at least 2 more years before our commander is back in office officially
What he means is levels of turnout presidential voting years versus midterm voting elections.
I don't think so. He was clear that we don't feel the pain or have all the information yet, but that we will by 2024. So we have a timeline for the plan where before we had nothing