The haters in modmail tonight are using their usual zero levels of self-awareness 🤣👌
🤢 These NPCs are STUPID! 🤮
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When you say secession, do you mean like states seceding? Now that would have been an exciting (yet incredibly unlikely) announcement.
"We've got some big news for you tonight! It's going to be yuge, the biggest news I've ever been here to tell you, possibly the biggest news ever seen before. Florida, Texas, Arizona... ... ...., all of these beautiful states with their beautiful people, their perfect wives and kids, these farmers and their perfect crops, the manufacturing plants, they are all going to be with me, because we are building a NEW AMERICA, and we will make America strong again through this alliance. I'm here to announce my candidacy for President of these New Allied States of America as we move beyond Nancy Pelosi, past Chuck Schumer and away from Chynah"
Damn, I would have been there for that.
I mean, I was here for his announcement too but I would have been so down for it.
True, but it's really just about rejecting the crimes against the country and starting over, the action of doing something so overt and in our faces that it reignites the hope that so many are losing.
It's been a long 4 years.
That is a great positive thought and definitely The Spirit of God is with you. Like I said in other post I trust only God the Holy Spirit and our Lord Jesus Christ. Just trust God.
The problem that extends beyond the fraud is how divided we are as a country. Not even just with the opposing side of the political spectrum, but even within our own. Not one high traffic thread on Patriots goes by, for example, where we aren't shit on here on GAW.
A divided house cannot stand, and when I look at how vast the gap is, it seems like an impossible feat to bring us back together.