...it's another thing entirely to completely demoralize your base and lie to them. What happened to 2020 being fixed? What happened to "the thief has to return the diamonds when they're caught"? What happened to "you will be happy very soon, we will take the WH sooner than you think"?
Not dooming, I'm just asking questions. He sounded sad and tired in this speech and flat out told us that Biden would serve out his full 4 years, and that he needs to in order to wake up the country... that it'll give us an even bigger chance to win in 2024. He didn't address the 2022 fraud, he didn't address 2020. He didn't address how we could hope to win in 2024 with all of this fraud that keeps persisting.
So which is it? Is he merely acting and using Art of War tactics? If so, why demoralize his base to this extent? Why lie to his supporters? Wouldn't it be better to not say anything at all, and keep the DS in suspense for more months?
This is beyond frustrating. What does everyone else think about this?
With that logic, let's let Biden get two full terms and serve 8 years in office, and then give Hillary a 4 year term afterwards just for the shits and giggles. People will certainly feel the pain by then. And what good would that do? The only people that condone inflicting pain on people are Satanists.
Not exactly. Those brainwashed turds need some alternative to their suffering. Once their enslavement-chains "click", game over. Let them suffer, squeeze them financially, make them crying for help! THAT'S where, according to playbook, the globalists (SS's) would step in - offering the solution! BUT; there will be a patriotic kind of solution also! BOOM! Get it? Just offer'em TWO options to end the shitshow instead of just one! That's what's called "The Great Awakening"
I don't buy it. I guess I'll believe it when I see it. Q said the pedophilia being exposed is what will wake the normies up, so this feels like moving goal posts if I'm being honest.
Not gonna blame you! From my point of view, stage is everything but set to drop the heavy stuff. To much people still submissively wearing their face-diapers - for example. Annoying shit for Anons, but this seems to be the road we have to go.