And... a lot of die-hard, vaxxed and boosted leftwingers now out on the street, ain't anybody in tech hiring. Would that be a wakup call? Highly doubtful. Here's why.
If any of you here followed the Waukesha Wsconsin trial of that murderer who defended himself, you'll note he has a special kind of narcisstic sociopathic pesonality - he is never wrong no matter how ludicrous he comes across. When I look at Brooks the convicted murderer, I see a lot of leftwing mind sets, especially among the leftie professionals, doctors, lawyers, media people, teachers etc. All copies of Darrell Brooks.
And... a lot of die-hard, vaxxed and boosted leftwingers now out on the street, ain't anybody in tech hiring. Would that be a wakup call? Highly doubtful. Here's why.
If any of you here followed the Waukesha Wsconsin trial of that murderer who defended himself, you'll note he has a special kind of narcisstic sociopathic pesonality - he is never wrong no matter how ludicrous he comes across. When I look at Brooks the convicted murderer, I see a lot of leftwing mind sets, especially among the leftie professionals, doctors, lawyers, media people, teachers etc. All copies of Darrell Brooks.