Joe Kent (WA-03) is not conceding. He's red pilled MAGA all the way and was Trump's endorsed candidate to primary out Jaime Herrera-Beutler (one of the 10 traitors voting to impeach). The margin is so close, his troops are hitting the streets to cure ballots. The commie media are all crowing over this one trying to force concession. His opponent was one extremely stupid bitch. He smoked her ass in all debates with her and had complete command of issues and masterfully articulated. They're scared of him because he would be a rockstar. He's the only candidate I've heard this cycle who openly discusses WEF and the globalists. He needs to be on the intelligence committee for sure.
Joe Kent (WA-03) is not conceding. He's red pilled MAGA all the way and was Trump's endorsed candidate to primary out Jaime Herrera-Beutler (one of the 10 traitors voting to impeach). The margin is so close, his troops are hitting the streets to cure ballots. The commie media are all crowing over this one trying to force concession. His opponent was one extremely stupid bitch. He smoked her ass in all debates with her and had complete command of issues and masterfully articulated. They're scared of him because he would be a rockstar. He's the only candidate I've heard this cycle who openly discusses WEF and the globalists. He needs to be on the intelligence committee for sure.