Everything you said is true. Does not mean it will not happen. The above article is what will likely happen if it does. (In spirit) Those voters, left and right that are not insane may find Ron very appealing for reasons I stated above. The public is picking up on the media after they went after trump so hard it went against logic. The extreme left eats it up. The middle knows there is a problem. Understand this, I am not a fan of Ron running now. Its not his time. Rumors are, many are filling his head of doing it. I am just exploring possibilities.
I remember how much they hated Bush, how Bush was Hitler, and then I saw how they flipped that and made Bush the good guy and Trump was the new literally Hitler. If people were too young to remember that, then they might think Trump Derangement Syndrome is unique to Trump. It’s not. It was Bush Derangement Syndrome before that and it would be DeSantis Derangement Syndrome after Trump. The brainwashing is not logical and does not recognize past brainwashing narratives, in the same way they flipped from Biden and Harris refusing to take the “vaccine” to Biden and Harris mandating everyone take the “vaccine”.
People who think DeSantis would somehow be treated fairly by the brainwashing machine is deluding themselves. People who think DeSantis is more “polished” and harder to attack is also deluding themselves. DeSantis isn’t a major target right now for the corporate media (they are actually propping him up), so nobody knows what happens when they start editing his sentences to make him appear to be saying things he didn’t say. Nobody knows what happens when a dozen women come forward saying he raped them. Nobody knows what happens when everyone he ever met goes crazy from media brainwashing and starts coming forward with stories and photos and claims. Nobody knows what happens when DeSantis is being blasted on every TV channel and every newspaper and every magazine around the country. Nobody knows what they’ve dug up on DeSantis behind the scenes that they are saving for ammunition.
Everything you said is true. Does not mean it will not happen. The above article is what will likely happen if it does. (In spirit) Those voters, left and right that are not insane may find Ron very appealing for reasons I stated above. The public is picking up on the media after they went after trump so hard it went against logic. The extreme left eats it up. The middle knows there is a problem. Understand this, I am not a fan of Ron running now. Its not his time. Rumors are, many are filling his head of doing it. I am just exploring possibilities.
I remember how much they hated Bush, how Bush was Hitler, and then I saw how they flipped that and made Bush the good guy and Trump was the new literally Hitler. If people were too young to remember that, then they might think Trump Derangement Syndrome is unique to Trump. It’s not. It was Bush Derangement Syndrome before that and it would be DeSantis Derangement Syndrome after Trump. The brainwashing is not logical and does not recognize past brainwashing narratives, in the same way they flipped from Biden and Harris refusing to take the “vaccine” to Biden and Harris mandating everyone take the “vaccine”.
People who think DeSantis would somehow be treated fairly by the brainwashing machine is deluding themselves. People who think DeSantis is more “polished” and harder to attack is also deluding themselves. DeSantis isn’t a major target right now for the corporate media (they are actually propping him up), so nobody knows what happens when they start editing his sentences to make him appear to be saying things he didn’t say. Nobody knows what happens when a dozen women come forward saying he raped them. Nobody knows what happens when everyone he ever met goes crazy from media brainwashing and starts coming forward with stories and photos and claims. Nobody knows what happens when DeSantis is being blasted on every TV channel and every newspaper and every magazine around the country. Nobody knows what they’ve dug up on DeSantis behind the scenes that they are saving for ammunition.