I think what we saw happen tonight is what always happens when people let the hopium levels get out of control and get riled up and start expecting the moon and stars to be delivered.
The plan isn't going to skip any steps IMO. We need to stop trying to put the cart in front of the horse. it might have been glowies and shills whooping up all the hopium with the " what do you think will be announced tonight " crap that was going on, but a lot of that crap was getting stickied too.
This has always been a long, methodical plan. previous incidents of hopium withdrawal have resulted in similar let down and dooming situations and we need to be better about this somehow. People that warn to curb expectations seems to go unheeded in the frenzy of speculation of sweeping victory.
Except everyone who has been indicted has gone free. Even the great and mysterious Durham lost.
Durham's not really losing, he's getting things entered into evidence. He destroyed the Hillary peepee gate hoax narative once and for all. because he didn't get some low-level goon imprisoned doesn't mean that serious ground was not gained.
I'm sorry that you seem to believe what they tell you on television.
I haven't watched TV news for two years. I actually understand the legal subtleties, but I also understand that the fbi is invading people's homes with guns and no evidence and that people charged with trespassing are being brutally beaten in a US prison with no trial date or relief. The courts won't save us. Congress won't. And 2 more years of the pedophile probably means we all die via that Klaus guy.
only disagree with your last point.. I don't think we'll all die. and quite a few of us have seen the writing on the wall and prepared ourselves for difficult times.