Could get Democrats, RINOS, the media, the bullshit artists like Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro, the Canadians like Jordan Peterson (whom I love) and Crowder to show their hands and give him their biggest shot and he took it like a Champ! We all felt it. They blew their load. Shot their shot. And Trump knew ALL ALONG that they would do that and he planned all along to make his speech after.
Now, we won the House! And if you Google election results 2022 it shows R’s have 49 and D’s 48 and there is the Georgia runoff. The attacks have been potent and nonstop but if you gain your senses, we now run the House with a huge election to root for! Plus Trump will now have TWO YEARS to be on prime time TV making fun of Biden and calling people out! A whole new generation will fall in love with him.
It’s their worst nightmare. It’s like roaches who scurry in the light. They HATE to be called out. Trump is in the twilight of his life. He’s done and seen it all. He has nothing left to lose. He will call them all out. They won’t be able to walk down the street.
I have a few questions- if this gets me banned so be it - this board is 99% male, so it being 100% male is fine too
They stole the election twice- with the 2nd being more brazen than the first. What’s to stop the steal again? Seriously? Paper ballots 2024 on are great….but you did see the wef stuff coming out of g70 and the currency digitization…the election has to be won for this to be stopped.
2nd question. Those from J6 that are still in prison that did nothing wrong will likely be dead. Still celebrating?
The vax has yet to be explained in any way shape or form.
Unfortunately last night I saw a lot of ego and I mean ALOT of ego. If there wasn’t so many q retruths, or if it wasn’t as lukewarm or it at least the people rotting in prison were addressed (who were there because he told them to come) it would be different.
Maybe my expectations were off, but President Trump and the yahoo’s that WE GET BANNED FOR FUCKING QUESTIONING built this shit up to this point.
Mods have a lot to answer for.