Whether you’re of the mindset he will return Jan 20th 2023 or Jan 20th 2025, it doesn’t make sense that the arrests would happen after he takes back White House. Optics would be so bad for him. Gets back in office and immediately starts arresting people left and right, no it has to happen while he’s out. These people aren’t going to turn themselves in either, DOJ and FBI aren’t going to do it even if House holds committees with tons of investigations recommending criminal referrals. I don’t know how it’ll play out in the end but Q did tell us POTUS would remain neutral for optics sake when arrests start happening, he can’t appear neutral while he’s holding office plus yesterday’s speech felt like a speech that totally disconnected him from anything that could potentially be getting ready to go down. We’ll see what these next few days bring
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His candidacy offers another layer of protection. Arrests are already happening. DC is a ghost town. Brandon's support is below 20%, down to just those on the payroll. Election fraud occurred on ALL digital electronic voting equipment. Trump is now fully on record for paper ballots, same day voting and hand counting. Dims freak out......