I’m hugely disappointed because of the dystopia that will befall us over the next few years.
But deep down, part of me just wanted to be right. I wanted that reassurance for myself. I wanted to blast away on social media for everyone to see that, “I was right! I’m not crazy. So give me kudos.” Or something similar.
I believe we will win. Good and God will win. We just have more to slog through than I had hoped. Keep your red pill canons firing!
I'm kind of the same way ... but I ultimately have no desire to shout "I was right" into most of their faces. I really don't care to associate with a lot of the people I removed from my life these past six years. I figure keeping my mouth shut and smirking any time they might be around will get the point across.
There are a couple of hardcore leftists I know that will be reminded of all of the sick fucking shit they've supported for as long as I breathe on this Earth ... I suspect these ones know exactly what the DS is doing and couldn't care less since it gets them a step closer to world communism. I've yet to cut them out of my life completely, but I'm sure they know that I think of them as maggot infested, dead hippo asshole. I really want to have a chat with them afterwards though and don't want to blow it :-).
Of course, online, I will never shut up about it :-) .