General Thomas Mcinerney's important words in his interview with Emerald (picrel)\With
Emerals Ronbinson
General Thomas Mcinerney - (Ret.) USAF Lt.
About votes disappearing and all the irregularities'…
"What you just saw was cyber warfare…the way those numbers disappear. The people working the polls don't see it because it's coming from China. And they're using Hammer and Scorecard, a very capable system that
we invented and that the Obama administration either sold or gave to China, I think they sold it. And it's coming from numerous Universities in China and everybody gets hit. John Scott had an excellent discussion, you and John did, and then just what you presented, it was really fabulous to lead in to what we're talking about.
They're delaying these elections in these key states like Nevada, Arizona out west, so they can manipulate the numbers; What numbers do they have to.
They've got a lot more finesse than they did in 2020. 2020 was just a massive effort and any analytics would
detect this. Now if you don't learn the lessons of 2020, you're going to repeat 'em. We repeated 'em in 2022. Even though the Republicans had 6 million more voters for the House jobs they are barely, and I think they are going to lose. I think the Republicans will lose by 1 or 2 seats and that's what they're trying to manipulate right now. They do not want any investigations on Hunter Biden, DOJ, FBI, intelligence community. And so, wait and see. I'm predicting that just because they have cleverly done it, the way they have cleverly orchestrated in the Senate and I can guarantee you that Walker, no matter how many votes he gets, is going to lose, again because of cyber.
Plus the mail-in ballots, as you were talking about. These mail-in ballots, the Democrats come in with these bulk drops, and all this, and they're not audited. So you can have dead people, you can have, I guarantee you there are a lot of these immigrants, illegal immigrants that have coem in, that are voting in these elections and have voted in these elections. That's what an audit does. What you just displayed before I came on was an audit. By analyzing. Votes disappearing, this type of thing. The Democrats are masters [at] it. They do not want to do any changes, that's why they're resisting this as you and John Scott discussed in a previous segment. It's important that we understand this.
And they've been doing since hanging chads and before that, you can go back to the Kennedy-Nixon, the first election, and you can see what happened. They have mastered this for years, and Gore, the Gore issue back in 2000 with Bush 43. So these are the things that we are facing, and that's why you've seen the results.
Now all the analysts have watched em over the weekend and all that, they're explaining away, 'Well the Republicans didn't get out to vote.' And they're coming up with all these wrong answers because they haven't asked themselves, 'Could cyber be involved?' That's all I'm asking people to think about. I know it's involved. OK? Because of the source I have. I know exactly what they're doing. But I wold like thoughtful people, like you, which you're doing a magnificent job, Emerald, I must commend you on it, and I must commend LindellTV for it, to expose this. Could there be a possibility of cyber warfare involved in this?
And once you ask this, I can guarantee you a 13, 14-year old person could get into our election networks. They're extremely vulnerable. And yet they're got real professionals, and that's why I say every election should have an audit behind it. And every Republican that loses should not concede and they should demand an audit. And the audit will come up with things that you just presented in front of me , I can tell you, Lake out in Arizona has already lost 38,000 votes early on they took from her.
And when you see what's going on - Lexall, he lost it, again, because of cyber that was done, manipulated very cleverly. As well as Masters. He was done in, again because of cyber. They used mail-in ballots to get close, don't misunderstand me. But you can't have the worst conditions for any President in our history, with surrender in Afghanistan, open borders to the south, giving up our energy independence, Critical Race Theory, the highest gas prices in history, the most lawlessness the United States has ever seen, you can't have situations like that and the Democrats come out with basically, not a loss. Because they're not going to lose, I believe that they're going to win [illegiblle], because just what I said, Walker [illegible] until we wake up and figure it out.
Love the General! He's absolutely right!