I gotta admit i was disappointed in the speech. I was looking for hell fire and brimstone coming from Trump! Kek My emotions prove I am not capable of leadership. Trump used the hype to get all eyes on him and he laid out what he did as President and the prosperity it brought to everyone. Something the Left never hears on CNN. He is the Master and plays at a different level than most people I know. The lefties in the middle are now thinking about all the war mongering and high prices brought by the Biden regime. They have now heard it from Trump and not the spin the MSM puts on him. I am here to tell you this, Sun Tsu better be glad he never had to battle Trump! KEK
I gotta admit i was disappointed in the speech. I was looking for hell fire and brimstone coming from Trump! Kek My emotions prove I am not capable of leadership. Trump used the hype to get all eyes on him and he laid out what he did as President and the prosperity it brought to everyone. Something the Left never hears on CNN. He is the Master and plays at a different level than most people I know. The lefties in the middle are now thinking about all the war mongering and high prices brought by the Biden regime. They have now heard it from Trump and not the spin the MSM puts on him. I am here to tell you this, Sun Tsu better be glad he never had to battle Trump! KEK