posted ago by jfunction ago by jfunction +17 / -0

This is the attitude of the "left", of the "democrat" party. They don't give a damn.

Their underlying plan, their longterm goal, is depopulation and a remnant feudal society with themselves as the royals and those of us who remain us as the serfs - so why would they give a damn about elections?

They are well advanced in the process of rendering elections - which are the foundation of the Republic - ridiculous and meaningless. Eventually their goal is that all elections will become foolish and will disappear.

When that happens, "civilization" will be gone for a thousand years and more and darkness will cover the earth. As of now, this eventuality is - undecided.

To prevent that happening Patriots need to get busy and clean the election mess up. That seems to be starting in Arizona and probably it is further along in Brazil, as Bolsonaro seeks to have their Presidential election annulled, which is going to affect America.

This is not a time of hopelessness, it is a time for massive action from all anons and Patriots. As DJT said last night, the taking back of OUR Country began last night.

We have a winning hand with our allies in the white hat partition of the military and truth firmly on our side.

Godspeed to us