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Thank you for your thoughtful response! I was raised a Christian. Around 2012, I started going through the awakening process and in 2017 it was full on spiritual battle that I was consciously engaged against my demons. I'm glad to say that the light of God and embracing and living as a representative of Christ that my entire life changed for the better.
As I know the Bible has been manipulated over time, such as the removal of Enoch, I have been consuming esoteric and occult principles. We are creators made in the image of God. Such hidden knowledge can be used for light or dark. I choose to learn so that I can help others overcome painful matrix lies and addictions.
Yes, I certainly put on the full armor of God while contemplating such books, movies, music, etc as there are kernels of truth to be found. We see the censorship now, so it's obvious to me that there are mistranslated and deleted sections from the Bible.
If you've seen the TV show Supernatural, it's all angels and demons. When Satan gets in the storyline he's presented as God's son. There is ZERO mention of Jesus Christ at all in a show that features all kinds of monsters and ghosts. As X22 Dave says... it's very interesting. Also interesting that Jesus Christ is used so often as a curse word, yet I've never heard anyone like Allah or Buddha or Krishna names said in vain in any (((popular culture))).
Oh dear. Glad I never read it
You might like Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles..I have his book naked bible .he was official translator for the Vatican publishers until he uncovered too much.
As you say much is mistranslated and missing. 75 books in all. Gospel of Peter who says he saw Yeshua taken down after 4 hours and was alive. You can get a free pdf online
Remember religions are to control and make a lot of money. Government help them as they are aligned with government and get tax breaks agendas people
I don't use youtube. If there's anything on an alt platform, please lmk. Thanks!
He appears on other platforms. Wallis fifth element . I use tube all the time
I don't regard any channelling as truth.