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I split this up into paragraphs to make it easier to read, because this is important. Everybody ought to look at this because damn it's the mother of all drops.
The transcription is pretty messy but I did not change anything except "stars" to "SARs." Any italics are mine.
yeah, thank everyone 00:00:36
for coming out today. Today we're gonna provide you with something that you all aren't used to uh, with respect to congressional investigations and that's evidence.
Committee republicans have spoken with multiple whistleblowers from numerous schemes involving the biden family reviewed Hunter biden's laptop and received documents of previously previously unknown transactions.
What we found our business plans aimed at targets around the world based on influence peddling, including with people closely tied to foreign governments like china and Russia.
We also found plans based in the United States where the biden family swindled investors of hundreds of thousands of dollars, all with Joe biden's participation and knowledge In 2019.
Shortly after announcing his campaign for President, Joe Biden told the American people he had nothing to do with and never had conversations with his family about their business dealings.
That was a lie whistleblowers described President biden as chairman of the board for these businesses. He personally participated in meetings and phone calls, documents show that he was a partner with access to an office.
To be clear, Joe biden is the big guy.
This evidence raises troubling questions about whether President biden is a national security risk and about whether he is compromised by foreign governments despite the President's claim that he wasn't involved in biden family business schemes.
These photos show joe biden meeting with his family associates while Vice president right there behind paul, four different pictures. Committee republicans have identified over 50 countries. The biden family sought businesses in on the international side of the biden family business.
The deals were often led by Hunter biden and that map there behind clay shows all the countries where the bidens had a footprint in international business dealings.
The investigation reveals a family that engaged with some of America's most powerful adversaries planning to sell one of the largest sources of cobalt for electric vehicles in the world to the chinese.
For example, the bidens flourished and became millionaires by simply offering access to the family. Among the dozens of shell companies the biden set up. There were millions of dollars of wire transfers flights on Air Force two to conduct personal business and meetings with heads of state. All while joe biden was aware of what was happening all the while he turned a blind eye.
Many transactions related to these businesses have raised red flags at us banks. A Suspicious Activity Report or SAR is a document A bank must file with the Treasury Department when a transaction is suspected to be related to money laundering or fraud or other types of criminal activity.
According to media reports, the Biden family accumulated over 150 SARS once are generated by an american bank to the Treasury Department connects Hunter biden and his business associates to international human trafficking. Among other illegal activities.
The money that was being made from foreign principals in the same room as joe biden was increasingly spent on furthering illegal activity. The SAR showed that Hunter biden was conducting business with suspected human traffickers.
The money gained through influence peddling was function was funneled to a suspected criminal enterprise. Again, one linked to human trafficking.
We have repeatedly called on the biden Treasury Department to release additional financial documents to committee republicans, but thus far, Treasury has refused. We want to know what the biden administration is trying to hide from the american people and why they are not being transparent.
We also found evidence Hunter biden sought to evade these SARs using his financial advisor, coincidentally a clinton administration official.
We will continue to pursue all evidence and specifically the SARS and bank records in the new Congress.
As part of our investigation, we have evidence that the finances, credit cards and bank accounts of Hunter and joe biden were co mingled if not shared and on some accounts at least red flags were raised by banks to the account owner or owners indicating suspicious or illegal activity.
One of Hunter's closest associates, eric Sherwin, was accessing joe biden's money and writing checks to reimburse Hunter, Sherwin arranged the Bidens International deals around the world.
At the same time. He was a frequent visitor to the White House and Joe Biden during the Obama administration, visiting close to 30 times and sometimes with international business partners and hunter. According to hunters calendar.
Sherwin was also the president of Hunters company and was appointed by President Obama to a position in the administration.
After an apparent falling out with Sherwin. Hunter began coordinating business himself and increasingly the deals brought in joe biden as a direct equity holder. One of these deals involved the sale of American natural gas to China. Evidence suggests Joe Biden had a 10% equity stake through his son
And behind Glenn and Andrew is a map from Hunter's laptop. This was a power point presentation on his laptop in chinese that they used in working with the chinese.
Now, let's think about this for a second at a time when americans are suffering from high energy prices because of this administration's terrible energy policy. We find evidence that Hunter biden and joe biden were involved in a scheme to try to get china to buy liquefied natural gas and from a whistleblower to try to get their foot in the door with start with china starting to purchase an interest in natural gas drillers.
People are in outrage over china buying farmland in the Dakotas. What about china? Starting to buy into our american energy at a time when we have an energy crisis because of the bad policies of the biden administration. Now let that sink in.
Hunter brought in millions of dollars from this deal from entities tied to the chinese government in emails obtained by committee republicans. Hunter wanted keys made for joe biden and jim biden his office mate. He provided joe biden's personal cell number and called him his partner.
The other partners in that deal were two people closely tied to the chinese communist party and that's the behind Andy and jim. That's the email where Hunter said to the landlord requesting keys and the chinese partners were on the email and where he said, you know joe joe would need a key and he even put joe's cell phone number on there.
Domestically. Jim biden, joe biden's brother used the biden name to enrich himself in return for the promise that when joe biden became president in 2020 business partners would get rich by having access to a future biden administration by promising access to financing through Middle Eastern Russian and chinese connections he made through joe biden
and by bringing his brother, uh joe biden on the phone calls, Jim biden was able to convince companies to give him loans of hundreds of thousands of dollars that he never repaid.
The biden administration has answered none of our requests for information regarding the biden family or the financial transactions they engaged in. Instead, the biden administration has spent over a quarter of a million dollars to staff to quote deflect Hunter stories protecting the president's son who has committed crimes with americans. Tax dollars is a waste.
The domestic and international scheme that promised access to wealth in a future biden administration constitute fraud and the president's participation in enriching his family is, in a word, abuse of the highest order,
rooting out waste, fraud and abuse will be the primary goal of a Republican House oversight committee as such. This investigation will be a top priority.
We are releasing a report today that details what we have uncovered.
We're also sending letters to the by administration officials and biden family associates, renewing our request for voluntary production of documents relevant to this investigation.
This is an investigation of joe biden, the president of the United States and why he lied to the american people about his knowledge and participation in his family's international business schemes.
National security interest required the committee conduct investigation and we will pursue all avenues avenues that have long been ignored.
Committee republicans have uncovered evidence of federal crimes committed by and to the benefit of members of the president's family. These include
conspiracy or defrauding the United States
wire fraud,
conspiracy to commit wire fraud,
violation of the foreign agents registration act,
violations of the foreign corrupt practices, act
violations of the trafficking victims protection act,
tax evasion,
money laundering
and conspiracy to commit money laundering
the biden family's business dealings, implicate a wide range of criminality from human trafficking. two potential violations of the constitution.
In the 118th Congress, this committee will evaluate the status of Joe Biden's relationship with his family's foreign partners and whether he is a president who has compromised or swayed by foreign dollars and influence.
I want to be clear. This is an investigation of joe biden and that's where the committee will focus in this next Congress.
I now turn it over to oversight member and the next chairman of the judiciary committee? Jim jordans.