The Republican House oversight committee is saying all the right words and seems to have some very sharp teeth.
SCOTUS set to review a case regarding the removal of the President, the Vice President and Congressional members.
He did say something at one of his rallies that led me to believe he wouldn’t be in before ‘24 but someone on our side would. He said we’ll take the House then the Senate and then we’ll need somebody in the White House. But at same time he does drop memes that say back in White House by ‘24 or before. Who the F knows at this point, it’s a wild ride for sure! After today’s happenings though I’m super pumped and believe more in more that his solemn’24 announcement was for optics (separation from incoming storm) and to get them to pull a false flag (Ukraine missile), to track them.
Way back in 2020 Bannon was throwing out the idea The Speaker of the House would be Acting President until the election issues were sorted out. And, his most likely scenario was electors would be thrown out causing neither candidate to have 270 votes.
This would cause a Contingent Election in the House where Republicans have the majority of State Delegations. The Senate would decide the Vice President which would be a strange scenario given the current composition.
That scenario is no less likely today than removing Biden through the 25th Amendment or Impeachment.
Wasn’t really interested I thought he said.
He certainly hasn't said that today.