Nice people here. See below the response when I openly state a title, which uses 2 f-bombs with the obligatory omg for sensational emotion grabbing effect--is click bait.
I mean, sometimes I do expect more from GAW, since most here are supposedly awake. My bad. Still, this is prob the worst, rudest comment Ive ever received, anywhere online. This person is disgusting.
But prop them up, GAW. What fine, intelligent, highly awake and thoughtful people.
–Copperselectrons -7 points 4 hours ago +7 / -14 Im not saying this isnt of value. BUt this is the most clickbait title as it gets.
Sometimes this place.
–magayd45 [S] 4 points 3 hours ago +6 / -2 who gives a fuck cunt i wanted people to click it it’s important lick my balls nerd
Free Speech is Free Speech. People need to understand the Constitution. Political correctness is killing our country.
If it offends you, drive on.
I know you won’t like this answer but come on — we are at war!!!
Just point it out to a Mod and drive on. This whole ‘I’m offended thing’ is your hang up, everyone is free to express themselves whether you (or me for that matter) like it or not.
Thats fine, maybe youre right. But at war, or any kind of battle--unity is important and theres certainly nothing gained by insulting and totally disrespecting fellow comrades is there. Thats actually weak.
Who cares what some Jackass says or does. Get over it. You do realize these Satanic Deep State actors are raping and sacrificing children, don’t you?
Get offended like you are now when an election is being stolen right in front of you.
Geez Louise, stop F n Virtue Signalling and get in the game!!!
You have been programmed to react the way you are actually. Wake up!!!
Just don't even worry about it
Water off a ducks back