Your account is only 5 days old, and I do not think it 'went away' - if you have a screenshot of your account with it gone or if it happens again before the short while you are in 'newb' status that would be odd. Otherwise just wait a few days and be active and it'll be gone before you know it. People tend to be defensive against new accounts for obvious reasons so just make sure you are posting quality comments or you will probably get downvoted more than normal.
Your account is only 5 days old, and I do not think it 'went away' - if you have a screenshot of your account with it gone or if it happens again before the short while you are in 'newb' status that would be odd. Otherwise just wait a few days and be active and it'll be gone before you know it. People tend to be defensive against new accounts for obvious reasons so just make sure you are posting quality comments or you will probably get downvoted more than normal.
Check page 1 from this link ;)
Check his comments from 10 hrs ago...his handshake was removed
Which one? Am I blind? Sorry genuinely confused.
EDIT I'm a dumbass and I SSed the wrong account, checking the other now lol Leaving my idiocy up for transparency.
Double Edit Yup I'm a dumbass.
Nope you arent blind. You are looking at the comment history of OP and not the guy you responded to "TheCreativeOne".
Yes, I sadly saw the error of my ways as it was too late, oh well. Good find!
Not only did you edit gracefully but I love the confirmation that you are the crazy one...haha we all are on this site.