posted ago by Scar1 ago by Scar1 +16 / -4

Take this with a grain of salt. These illegals entering our country will be armed and used to slaughter us. The police will be told to stand aside much like they did during the riots. Only arresting anyone that were protecting themselves or property. They are being trained as we speak by CIA slush funds (aka black ops) Now from what I understand, they will be offered our houses and other goods as incentives. The cockroaches running the show will use everything in their power to villainize us (thus the campaign of white supremacists) and make the murders look like the good guys (you have seen it done with the riots). The target is white ppl. Simple as that. This slaughter will not stop till they cut down our numbers enough to subjugate us. Any areas that these thugs meet stubborn resistance will be neutralized by the military. This whole operation will of course begin with a massive false flag. Being reported as riots at first then as a war on white supremacy This is their rumored plan. Is it true? Answering that is beyond my pay grade.