There was. I remember the sheer number of hearings, Stop the Steal rallies, and presentations of evidence, etc, in 2020-21. The most shocking bit was the courts not doing... anything. Like, what? We just ignore this??
I wonder if this election or -- God forbid -- 2024 is the nail in the coffin for the cheaters. I really hope it's now and not 2024. The info this guy has sounds awesome. Too good to be true, kind of awesome. I want this to be true. 🤞
There was. I remember the sheer number of hearings, Stop the Steal rallies, and presentations of evidence, etc, in 2020-21. The most shocking bit was the courts not doing... anything. Like, what? We just ignore this??
I wonder if this election or -- God forbid -- 2024 is the nail in the coffin for the cheaters. I really hope it's now and not 2024. The info this guy has sounds awesome. Too good to be true, kind of awesome. I want this to be true. 🤞
I want this to be true. 🤞--me too fren