Not true. The United States constitution is heavily inspired by the Masonic constitution. Freemasonry isn’t the problem. The same poison that infects politics is the same poison that has taken over the lodge. The masons who founded the United States are not the same pussies that bend over and carry out globohomos orders of today. It is important to know the real history of the lodge in the United States and the great works done by our forefathers. They left us the foundations of truth, liberty, and wisdom to built the pillars of civilization on.
The Scottish Rite was infiltrated from within by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the Jesuit Adam Weisaupt, and Charles debLorraine the self proclaimed Merovingian King of the Jews.
They did this by installing their Secret Society, the Bavarian Illuminati, at the top. The Scottish Rite had only gone up to the 32nd Degree where the Illuminati was made the 33rd Degree. It is by invitation only.
The Bill of Rights is unique in that it identifies and protects the rights each human being IS BORN WITH!!!
As Franklin said, “Democracy is two Wolves and a Chicken voting on what’s for dinner’.
Many of the Founding Fathers were themselves initiated into the Illuminati at The Lodge of the Orient in France. I keep researching it and I can’t figure it out.
So far I have Franklin (who may have been a Pedo), Jefferson, Paine, Washington, and Adam’s as 33rd Degree. Did they infiltrate the infiltration???
The history is so convoluted with disinformation… sound familiar??? Haha
And then we have Pike on the other side who was 33rd Degree and more greatly venerated than any Founding Father - go see his memorial in DC some time. Well, other than Washington…
…who looks the most like a Deep State Stooge in my research.
Anyways, that’s my 2 cents worth. Use discernment and do your own research :)
Some jurisdictions go well beyond the 33rd degree. I know a 98th degree. You either chose vampirism or lycanthropy. Under these two are the witch rites….. aka the Mormons
Not true. The United States constitution is heavily inspired by the Masonic constitution. Freemasonry isn’t the problem. The same poison that infects politics is the same poison that has taken over the lodge. The masons who founded the United States are not the same pussies that bend over and carry out globohomos orders of today. It is important to know the real history of the lodge in the United States and the great works done by our forefathers. They left us the foundations of truth, liberty, and wisdom to built the pillars of civilization on.
The Scottish Rite was infiltrated from within by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the Jesuit Adam Weisaupt, and Charles debLorraine the self proclaimed Merovingian King of the Jews.
They did this by installing their Secret Society, the Bavarian Illuminati, at the top. The Scottish Rite had only gone up to the 32nd Degree where the Illuminati was made the 33rd Degree. It is by invitation only.
The Bill of Rights is unique in that it identifies and protects the rights each human being IS BORN WITH!!!
As Franklin said, “Democracy is two Wolves and a Chicken voting on what’s for dinner’.
Many of the Founding Fathers were themselves initiated into the Illuminati at The Lodge of the Orient in France. I keep researching it and I can’t figure it out.
So far I have Franklin (who may have been a Pedo), Jefferson, Paine, Washington, and Adam’s as 33rd Degree. Did they infiltrate the infiltration???
The history is so convoluted with disinformation… sound familiar??? Haha
And then we have Pike on the other side who was 33rd Degree and more greatly venerated than any Founding Father - go see his memorial in DC some time. Well, other than Washington…
…who looks the most like a Deep State Stooge in my research.
Anyways, that’s my 2 cents worth. Use discernment and do your own research :)
Some jurisdictions go well beyond the 33rd degree. I know a 98th degree. You either chose vampirism or lycanthropy. Under these two are the witch rites….. aka the Mormons