Lol that’s what they want. They want to replace white Europa with the darker ones because white Europa ended slavery for them…. Think… what will the world be like after the only people on the planet that can go toe to toe with the Nose have been extinguished from the earth. They only want black, brown and Asians. Because these groups respond better to tyrannical governments. If you don’t believe me go read the protocols of the learned elders of Zion. Tells ya their entire game plan.
Lol that’s what they want. They want to replace white Europa with the darker ones because white Europa ended slavery for them…. Think… what will the world be like after the only people on the planet that can go toe to toe with the Nose have been extinguished from the earth. They only want black, brown and Asians. Because these groups respond better to tyrannical governments. If you don’t believe me go read the protocols of the learned elders of Zion. Tells ya their entire game plan.