Biden: just install solar panels, bro!
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You’ll only be freezing when the sun isn’t shining….like ALL Winter. And WTF is up with these hollywood sets he’s always giving speeches from. Is this imposter even allowed in the Oval Office?
Weirdest frickin' thing ain't it ?
How does anyone take this dude seriously? He sounds like a homeless dude that just randomly approached you on the street to sell you a CD that's definitely not stolen and is at a huge discount of only $2!
Ah yes, because people worried about affording heating and literally living paycheck to paycheck right now can totally afford to go out and install all new windows, doors and solar panels. Why didn’t they think it that!
Brought to you by the same idiots who suggest buying a new EV if you can't afford gasoline.
solar panels won't do the heating.
Talks like marbles are in his mouth
Reminds me of this genius: