We all at some point have thought the DS likes to foreshadow their plans, but something just hit me in my sleep. What if we really do have more than we know and are actually dismissing some information due to a lack of ability to corroborate it. How many of us on TS social scroll the feed and seeing great posts pro America, only to see ridiculous ads being pushed on the site? Why do the ads look like a two year old wrote them? Is this by design to look terrible so we immediately dismiss them as fake? Part of me thinks we have been so conditioned to discern what is real and what is fake simply by presentation. Let me be clear, not saying the ads on TS are all 100% real and I’m going to cure cancer by this “one simple trick” but what if they were 99% garbage and 1 was real. We would have already dismissed it as fake by the presentation.
Next point, what if we have a form of an answer correct, but we only have limited resources to corroborate. Is this by design too? Example below: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Bjn1K5FJMa4I/
Once again, not saying this video is 100% real, but what if there is some truth to it. By design if you google Trump Time Travel on YT, Google, etc. it comes up with Simpsons stuff or hit pieces on PT. To me this is a form of digital camouflage and try to censor the real information. Think about major days/events DS wants erased from history, they send Hollywood to make a movie that will tie back to that day/event to look here not there. How many of us have researched a topic only to have it lead to a somewhat dead end only to find 1 source relatively corroborating our information? Do they purposely leave 1 or 2 sources to foreshadow what is real, but if you run with that information with very limited evidence you are immediately labeled a conspiracy theorist?
I’m sorry if I’m not explaining it correctly, but wanted to have this stress tested. What are your thoughts?
This is an interesting exposition on two opposing views of time: clock, and experience.
Physics reaching the meta-physics