Yup, that’s right I AM A DOOMER!
BUT,,,, The first step to any recovery is admitting who and what you are.
Typically there are 12 steps one must go through to reach recovery, but luckily for me I caught this before I went ALL IN and needed full recovery! The way I see it is I only need to address 2 steps and those are,
- Admitting what I’ve become.
- Making amends with the ones I let down.
Since I’ve already told you who I’ve become it is now time to say,,, IM SORRY and I mean it!
If you’ve made it to this place by not just taking a wrong turn, but by the realization that things are really fucked up and you need answers, then you’ve probably figured out that this shit is real! And, if you know it’s real and have thought about what that means, in terms of planning/infiltrating by white hats, then you should be able to realize some REALLY SMART PPL put this shit together. Probably much smarter than yourself, at least that’s true for me (:. Knowing this to be true should give us all the resolve to take as many bullets (figuratively, bc if bullets start flying our way all bets are off!) as needed to see this through to the end!
I definitely needed to say this so I could shake off that doomer mentality and get back to BUSTING BALLZ!
Thanks & NCSWIC!!!!
Fo Sho!