This interesting comment from Reddit on Musk reinstating Trump's Twitter account shows that even the plebs on Left know E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what Twitter was built to do:
🤡 Tech Tyranny 🌎
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Wow. That explains a lot about our current problems. Add the Bonus Act to our list of needed rollbacks. has a wealth of information regarding HOW to get rid of all of these alphabet agencies that are entirely unconstitutional. No doubt we may choose to properly create a few and that is the key word: properly--constitutionally. The process is Republic Review. You're the first person to have dipped his toe in this water of empowering knowledge on here. This process is in its early stages in the Wyoming legislature. All it takes is ONE about it. It's utterly amazing. This needs to happen, hand in hand, with the constitutional processes set out on . Thanks for reading.