Why is it when you're down, the universe decides it's going to kick you and kick you! I will not give up, but please give me a break.
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What's your prayer life like my fren?
Recently posted about this. I struggle with prayer. I feel like I'm talking to a walk or my bed, I feel indescribable, like goofy, or corny. I do try. But it always seems like I'm doing it for the wrong reasons or at the wrong time. I don't know how else to put it. Ive just recently started getting into religion so it is hard for me to grasp any of it. I want it, but I'm a vulgar, bad person in my eyes without any way to change it. I often feel lost.
First off lost isnt bad because truly we cant do it ourselves. The fact u can admit your lost is huge.
So when I started praying I felt that exact same way. My advice is to build a habit. We have a daily prayer here on .win. 2pm and 8pm est prayer for 1 min. Basically at that time everyday, stop what your doing and just talk to God. Dont feel your doing it wrong. Share how your feeling as if he is there, because he is. Dont sugar coat things either. If your frustrated well share that with him. I personally pray outloud because it's easier to carry a thought. My mind wanders less. Set an alarm as well because it's easy to forget. If u do forget just pray for 1 min as soon as u remember. Also remember God knows you in a deeper way then we know ourselves. He loves us more than we can ever know. Through out the day just direct your thoughts to God. Say something makes u angry. In your head say God I love you I give u this anger or pain or whatever it is. Over time u will begin to direct all your thoughts to him. It's a process. Please keep at it. The goofy feeling will go away I promise. It's something new for you so the devil will play all kinds of tricks on u. Just keep at it. I will be praying for u. Prayer will eventually help u see Christ in a deeper more meaningful way. Your moments of pain will turn into moments of growth. I cant even fully put it into words. Just know what u feel is common. Love u fren. God wants to hear from u and he will grow u and change u and take all your pain and worry. Praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus. I am here if u ever need a fren to talk to and will be praying for u.
Thank you so much. Really. That's advice I needed, do you ever feel like you pray more when you need it most? That tends to be my case since i started, it makes me feel greedy or makes me feel like God thinks "oh, you are here now that you need me, but not in your everyday life" idk, i will try and do better.
This is where I started with my prayer life. I felt guilty about bringing all my trouble to God, but I realized that the guilt came from me. After that, it was much easier to ask for help through hard times. And eventually I started celebrating the good times with Him as well. God will meet you wherever you are. Start there.
Fren God loves you more than u can ever know. He knows everything about u. He still loves u. His grace is sufficient. We are made strong in our weakness because he becomes our strength. Keep working on praying when times are rough and good. That's why I suggested a daily time. Regardless of how ur feeling give him 1 min a day. It will grow. U are human in a fallen world. God knows all this. Yet he doesn't judge us by our sin rather through his grace we are saved. Dont make it about u because truly I am just as corrupted and lost as u. Even though I pray more based of what u have said. U have a seeking heart. Alot of your own inner darkness comes out when u turn to him. Just keep turning to him. I will say this again. God loves you more than u can ever know.